Thursday 19 April 2012

How the day and job seeking turns

Its been one of those interesting and frustrating days in job search terms and very much like the weather today. Simply at one extreme it has been cold, drizzly and wet and at the other it has been warm sunshine.

I know what you're thinking he's finally gone round the bend, cart him off to the madhouse this instant. Call the doctor.

No. No. Don't rush. let me explain.

This morning I was sitting at the pc and reflecting over the lack of impetus in my job search and thinking how slow things had been. The rain was pelting down on the conservatory roof, the sky was black and my tea had gone cold. 

It felt like that was it for the day. Nothing to look forward to. I'd reviewed my email alerts and nothing doing. I'd scoured websites for what seemed like the millionth time. And worse was to come.

I've recently had to have Windows reinstalled on my PC and now although obviously it was working fine it had meant that Skype was not functioning. I could hear and see the person I was Skyping but he could not hear me.  I had to resort to the old typewriter approach and eventually we actually talked by phone with Skype pictures on!!! Comedy.

And then things brightened up. My wife brought breakfast and for those of you who know me, particularly from  The Webb Group, it was a running joke how much food my wife gives me to eat. It is so much that we have had to have the floor of the house reinforced - no that's a joke!!!

Anyway and then I started to see light on the job front. A flurry of roles appeared that were interesting , a few phone calls arrived and Hey Presto, the sun was shining.

Oh, and I also got Skype fixed as well. Recruiters - Happy to use this to talk to you or any contacts.

And the moral of today? Yes it's undoubtedly difficult in job seeking and it sometimes feels like all is fruitless, but then all change. You can't get down and let it affect you. 

I'm sitting here today with things bubbling along and wanting a job and, importantly, knowing that things can only get better. It reminded me of somebody's comments yesterday which essentially said it was good that I kept my morale high despite my situation. Thanks to that comment I feel again, despite a bad start to the day, that things will sort themselves out. I guess my wish is sooner rather than later.

As always, thanks for reading and continue to comment and share my LinkedIn profile with your connections.

(C) Iain Williamson 2012

1 comment:

  1. Finding a job these days has truly become a monumental task and not just because of the economic challenges. Good to see that you are not losing faith Iain and also that your good lady is supporting you with a decent breakfast.

    The thing I imagine must be inmmensley frustrating for a job seeker is the sheer scale of of the task of actually finding and identifying actual vacancies. I honestly do not know where I would start, and I am a recruiter with almost 20yrs experience.

    Surely it was easier when you had the press, your industry journal and your network. As opposed to literally hundreds of job boards, all requiring registration. Mnay of which are less than useless.

    How do you configure your daily routine around job searching Iain? I'm genuinley interested and feel that may actually assist people quite a lot.

    Best of luck



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